Players: 50 - 100 - 200
Days: 7 - 30 - 90 - 180 - 365
ABC - Aislinn - allandor - Althos - Andy_C - aprodigy - aravinth - AZral - Bathory - blacklobster - blaireau - BruSu - brutus - bud - Burn - caLenhaD - Cannon - cherut - Ciapek - Cordor - cor_scorpii - Creature - DaiShan - Dehlia - DMan - Domino - dominus_mortis - dragon_killer - Dragunov - DzeguzA - elmon - ena - eupho - Evie - farang - FORCE - Fuze - gambo - Geordie - ghost - Ghrae - glacor - GnD - Gogalthorp - GoodGame - il_palazzo - Inception - Incubus - Irie - Jaakko - JBX - kaddy - Kael - kapbepucm - Karolus - kav - KhamuL - Khrullx - Kid - Kinreth - KrazeS - LadyAz - Lalaith - Leonis - LeSaint - Littlebig - LLOgh - Lorck - Matt - maxine - milu - mIrt - Misiu_fil - momr58 - multanex - mustang - Nahtepa - Nimbus - Nogrod - nosferatus - oakhex - Ozzy - Paloma_sp - Pantheon - Panzerfaust - paralyzer - prometheus - Ranagall - Raz - repede - revi - Samsemilia - shadowgate - ShortbuS - sickick - SigvalD - SirCamolot - stihl - stivy - Stompie - T0ny - taxmoney - teeh - Terrier - TheHopelezs - TheNuke - The_Grud - TopG - Truxton - uLubatLi - VinoVeritas - Vio - Wakko - WeaverDAS - Wloczykij - Yulin_Old - Zel - zelo - zeppelin
2022 and on: Newly coded and maintained by Burn
(thanks to Vinoveritas for providing mercator's "last seen" player data)
Up to 2022: The previous page was coded by Mihaim, hosted and maintained by Learner